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The TRUE History of Palestine and the Palestinian People:

The TRUE History of Palestine and the Palestinian People:


After the Ancient Romans conquered Ancient Israel in 63 B.C.E. they renamed it “Palestine.” The Romans renamed most of the land of Israel after the traditional Israelite enemy, the Philistines, as an insult to the Jews who had unsuccessfully rebelled in the early 2nd century CE. Until 1948, Israel was known as Palestine and the surviving Jews remained in Israel after the conquest and were known as “Palestinian”. Beneath colonial oppression by one empire after another from the Ancient Romans to the British Empire in the 20th Century “Palestine”, Arabs living in “Palestine” refused to be called “Palestinians” as “Palestinian” commonly denoted a Jew and the Arabs after, were not Jewish. Following WW1, during which Britain captured “Palestine”, the League of Nations gave Britain the mandate to govern “Palestine” and to prepare it for independence as a restored Jewish homeland; this obligation is acknowledged in the Balfour Declaration.


The land originated first and foremost ISRAELI LAND as revealed in Holy Scripture in Abrahamic tradition. Lest we forget, Islam is derived from Zoroastrianism (6th Century), an ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran that survives there in isolated areas and, more prosperously, in India, where the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian (Persian) immigrants are known as Parsis, or Parsees. Judaism has been practiced for over 5000 years... Islam was founded in the late 6th or early 7th century.


In 1923, Britain, in violation of its mandate from the League of Nations, partitioned “Palestine” and gave 77% of Jewish territory, to Muslim Arabs, which was initially called Trans-Jordan but later became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  From 1923 to 1948 Jordan, with the active assistance of the British Government, developed its armed forces, whereas the remaining 23% of the “Palestinian” Mandate Area was kept under British colonialist oppression, the Jews who were supposed in terms of the League of Nations Mandate for “Palestine”, to be given independence in the entire “Palestinian” Mandate Area and yet were kept in subjugation and prevented by the same British Government from forming their own armed forces.  The British Government did its best to negotiate a further partition of land, of the remaining 23% of Jewish lands to be divided between Jews and Arabs, to deprive Jews of even more of their ancestral homeland.


We now know from the Hamas Charter, Arabs will not settle for less than the total destruction of any form of Jewish community, as well,  the death of all Jews worldwide.  In the 1947 Resolution 181 of the UN, Israel declared independence, casting aside the colonially imposed names of “Palestine”  and the “Palestinian’s” officially adopting the name of their new Nation, Israel. After the Arab defeat in the 1948 war, Yasser Arafat drew the conclusion that has been at the heart of his political success ever since: “Palestinians” should not rely on Arab governments for help but should control the fight against Israel themselves. 






























Born Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al Qudua al Husseini, Arafat later changed his name. He clashed with Arab leaders, Anwar Sadat and Saudi Arabia's then Crown Prince Abdullah. By 1967, Arafat battled and vectored over the “Palestinian” Liberation Organization. Some “Palestinians” were so demoralized by the Arab defeat that they were willing to accept a Palestinian state made up of the West Bank and Gaza. Arafat was not. In 1968, Arafat, through Fatah, became the head of the PLO and has since been the undisputed leader of the “Palestinian” cause and created wholesale terror attacks against Israel in attempts to wipe out the Jews.


In 2005 Israel pulled its troops out of Gaza, destroyed Israeli religious settlements and deported 9000 Israeli settlers out of Gaza. In 2007 HAMAS gained control of Gaza by killing all Fatah supporters.  HAMAS’ founding charter called for not peace with Israel but the destruction of the state and the death of all Jews. HAMAS subsequently took billions of dollars of development aid and has used it to attack Israel on many occasions. So Israel blockaded Gaza to do its best to limit the flow of weapons into the hands of HAMAS. Instead of being a highly developed metropolis on the Mediterranean HAMAS takes the development aid, makes war on Israel, gleefully seeking maximum civilian casualties amongst Gazan’s so poorly educated people driven by religious ideology engage in disinformation and propaganda for them, and the cycle continues endlessly. The “Palestine” trope is repeatedly Israel is to blame however; HAMAS committed its genocidal wholesale rape, murder, infanticide and beheadings of Israeli civilians on October 7th 2023 sealing their fate as a ‘former’ terrorist organization.

Roman Palestine

Forgiven Temple Ministries  (c) 2020 FORGIVEN TEMPLE MINISTRIES 501-3(C) EIN:86-2609105 

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