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Personal accountability is an essential element for any society to function and Believer accountability is even more so. We come to understand we are all held accountable in one form or another by the society in which participate and as well within the realm of the needs of the nurturing of the soul. One such illustration is that there are laws to obey and if we fail to be obedient, we are subject to have to suffer the consequences set by the officials who hold us accountable.

Accountability is simply being responsible for one's actions and what lay in the wake of our path, in both aftermath and in love. There are several accountability groups that specialize in assisting people who would like to overcome an issue, addictions or some other self-defeating tendency. As mere humans, we find support, comfort, and motivation from others who are struggling with similar life circumstances most beneficial since they can directly relate to our current struggles. There are accountability groups of faith as well. The Faithful need support and comfort and often find this through the accountability of faith.

In order to establish faithful accountability, there needs to be a dependable link of trust. Developing trust is a slow growing process and it takes time to develop and secure. As people meet together to share, they begin to establish a rapport with one another. How is this accomplished? In scripture we learn active listening is essential to developing trust. “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:” – {Book of Ya’aqov/James 1:19}

A non-judgmental attitude is an additional essential element of trust. Remember, we can be accepting of an individual while being discerning of the situation. “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” – {Book of Mattiyahu/Matthew 7:1-2}

Caring for each other, lifting the fallen, supporting the walk of the doubtful and being the first with an out stretched hand of help is also essential. “And this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth G-d love his brother also.” – {Book of Yochanan I/1 John 4:21} Accountability involves an open willingness to be receptive to His will and His command aa well as to be obedient to the same. Open yourself up and share sensitive or personal information with Hashem, after all, He already is aware of whatever you shall share, but sharing in honest candor with our Lord builds our trust in both Him and us. Open yourself to share the same with those closest to you in faith, for without knowledge of your most secreted weaknesses, your brethren in our L-rd are lacking ability to be of true help and support…. this is why trust is so imperative. If you sense trust, you are more open to share your innermost thoughts beyond concern of betrayal.

Now, we must mention reliability. Relating is an important factor in faithful accountability. It is helpful when the group shares a common bond or has been through similar experiences. People who relate to one another can empathize and are securely confident to reveal what is hidden to most of the world, where sharing is done with an understanding heart. People can feel comfortable in sharing their circumstances and can be totally accepted without fear of rejection in the company of those who have traveled or are traveling the same path. Does the Bible speak of a Believer’s faithful accountability? Scripture instructs us that Hashem holds us accountable.

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to G-d.” - {Book of Romi’im/Romans 14:12} This is whole of personal accountability in faith. The faithful are also accountable to one another in that Faithful Believers are all part of the same body.... the body of Christ.... we ARE the CHURCH, not a structure, not an address but we ourselves together and each member needs or belongs to the other. This Scripture suggests the importance of strong accountability between Believers. It is important for every Believer to have at least one other person steeled in faith in which to confide, pray with, listen to, and encourage and to be encouraged. “But now are they many members, yet one body.” – {Qorinti’im I/1 Corinthians 12:20}

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” – {Book of Galati’im/Galatians 6:1-2}

If our accountability friend and partner has done something contrary to the codes of Elohim, we are called upon to address them gently, forgive them, and comfort them. We are called to help guide them once again to walk upon the righteous path. It also admonishes us to consider ourselves, because no one is out of reach of temptation. The faithful's accountability is encouraging each other to grow fully and to mature in their spirituality. “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” – {Book of Eevrim/Hebrews 10:24} We are also instructed; “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.” – {Book of Tasloniqim I/1 Thessalonians 5:11}

Are you truly accountable? Do you have a friend with whom you can partner in faith with for ongoing mutual support? Will that person hold you accountable in your spiritual walk; are they strong enough to address your missteps in an encouraging and loving manner? Are you the type of person that people can come to when they need the supportive accountability of another deeply committed in faith? Do you want a Believer’s faithful accountability partner? If so, establishing a beneficial and loving supportive relationship with one of faith is not too difficult a task to easily achieve.

Do we wish to develop another faithful's accountability in our lives? Here are some steps to help us find an accountability partner in Hashem or group of faithful means of support; Begin by praying for Elohim to reveal the person (or group of people). Consider the possibilities: a person of the clergy in who you hold respect and welcomed comfort, fellow members of your church, people of faith at your workplace, close friends, a person you wholly respect, etc. Seek people who are going through similar circumstances or have experienced them in their past and have built great strength and faith from the experience.

Perhaps you would feel more comfortable joining an online group or finding that one reliable faithful person in line with which to share regularly. Be open to Hashem’s natural leading guidance of direction. Invite the person to lunch, meet one another's family, talk on the phone. If it's a group, ask if you can attend a meeting to see what it's like. Get to know one another. Do you get along? Do you enjoy your time together? If you are confident that this is the right person or group, ask if they would be your accountability partner(s). In a Believer’s accountability.... be patient, always. Developing an accountability friendship/partner takes time and intentional devoted effort. Participate in activities together and pray regularly for one another and with one another.

If your friend shares the confession of an issue such as, "I'm really having trouble spending enough time with my kids," then next time you meet, discuss progress being made on issue. This will begin a basic accountability relationship. Then you can begin to hold one another accountable for things like: Bible study and prayer, physically healthy habits like exercise and dieting, establishing a good witness at work and be willing to openly share your testimony, discuss progress on integrity issues, and so on.

Remember, it is essential to keep your discussions confidential! If possible, it is wise to establish a regular set time where you can meet together or talk on the phone. This creates consistency and shows how much you value your accountability relationship and illustrates your willing efforts to be a stronger person in faith. Perhaps when you meet, you want to do a Bible study together or share what you've been learning in your quiet times with Hashem. What have you done to enhance your relationship with your spouse? “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.“ – {Book of Kohelet/ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10}

Before the face of Elohim, we strive to become complete in our steeled faith and habitual willingness of sacrifice and aid to those whose need calls to you through the will of Hashem; go then, ye faithful and strengthened, fulfill the will of your Creator! Go now, in His peace,

Pastor Mark


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